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Rules and Regulations


  1. The name of the club shall be “The Kamala Club, Singapore” and shall hereinafter be referred to as “The Club


  1. The objects of the club shall be:-
    (a) to encourage social and sports activities among the members of
    the Club in particular and women in general;
    (b) to enrich develop and foster interest and talents in literary and cultural
    pursuits and activities among the members of the Club with the object of
    contributing towards the enhancement of the multi-cultural life of
    (c) to engage and assist in social community, charitable and
    humanitarian work or service;
    (d) to encourage and participate in voluntary social work and social welfare
    activities and to stimulate interest in these fields of endeavour; and
    (f) generally to do all such other acts as may be necessary to
    carry out the abovementioned objects.


  1. All women above 18 years of age residing in Singapore shall be eligible for
  2. The membership of the club shall consist of Ordinary and Life members

Life Members

  1. An Ordinary member shall be eligible to become a Life member on payment of a
    sum of $300/=.
  2. An Ordinary/Life member shall have the right to vote and hold office.

Honorary Members

  1. The Management Committee may invite any well-wisher of the Club to be an
    Honorary Member with no voting rights. 

Admission of Members

  1. Every candidate eligible for admission of membership, except honorary
    membership, shall sign the form provided for such purpose and be proposed and
    seconded by an Ordinary or Life Member.
  2. All applications for membership may be considered accepted or rejected at any
    meeting of the managing committee, hereinafter provided for by a majority vote of
    the members present and their decision shall be final.
  3. Upon payment of an entrance fee to be determined by the Managing Committee,
    she shall be a member and shall be entitled to all benefits and privileges of the
  4. (a). All subscriptions are payable in advance annually in January.
    (b). A fee of $1.00 each per annum shall be payable by all members to cover the
    Club’s affiliation with the Consumer Association of Singapore (CASE). .


  1. Should any member fail to pay her annual subscription for one year
    consecutively, notice will be sent and if she does not respond within fourteen
    (14) days, she shall cease to be a member forthwith without any further notice.


  1. A notice to any member sent by post to her address as entered in the
    register of members shall be considered to be duly delivered five (5) days
    following the date of posting.


  1. The management of the Club shall be vested in the hands of twelve (12)
    members- President, First Vice- President (who is the immediate past President).
    Second Vice-President, Honorary Secretary, Assistant Honorary Secretary,
    Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Honorary Treasurer and five (5) members who
    shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
  1. At all Committee meetings the President of the Club shall take the Chair or in her
    absence, one of the Vice- Presidents. Should all three be absent, the meeting
    shall elect a Chairperson. The Chairperson of the meeting shall have a casting

Honorary General Secretary

  1. The Honorary General Secretary shall convene meetings as directed by the
    President or at the written request of any five (5) other Committee Members. She
    shall keep full and correct minutes of the proceedings and shall be responsible
    for all the correspondence of the Club.

Assistant Honorary General Secretary

  1. The Honorary Assistant General Secretary shall generally assist the Honorary
    General Secretary and shall act for her in her absence.

Honorary Treasurer

  1. The Honorary Treasurer shall keep the accounts of the Club duly supported by
    vouchers and shall make up the annual Statement of Account and Balance Sheet
    of the Club to the 30th of September in each year which shall, after audit, be
    circulated amongst the members together with the notice of the Annual General
    Meeting. She shall not keep more than Dollars Five Hundred only ($500/=) as
    cash in hand. The banking account of the Club shall be operated jointly by the
    Honorary Treasurer and the President.

18a. The Assistant Honorary Treasurer shall generally assist the Honorary Treasurer and shall act for her in her absence. She shall not sign any cheques or operate the banking account of the Club

Committee Meetings

  1. The Committee shall meet once in two months to draw up programmes of
    activities for the Club. Minutes of the proceedings at such meetings shall be
    recorded in full.


  1. Five members of the Committee in addition to three office bearers shall form a
    quorum for Committee Meetings.
  1. Any member of the Committee absenting herself from three consecutive
    meetings without explanation satisfactory to the Committee shall cease to be a
    member thereof.

Powers of the Managing Committee

  1. The Committee shall have the control of the finances of the Club, power to
    engage, control and dismiss club’s servants and all such administrative powers
    as may be necessary for properly carrying out the objects of the Club in
    accordance with these rules.
    22-A The Club shall not incur any expenditure or make any donation from its funds
    exceeding $5,000.00 without the express approval of a two-thirds majority of
    members present and voting at duly constituted Extra Ordinary General Meeting
    (EOGM) for the expenditure.
  2. The Committee may from time to time appoint from amongst their members any
    sub-committee (with power to co-opt ordinary members as they may deem
    necessary or expedient) and may delegate to them such of the powers of the
    Committee as the Committee may determine. Such Sub-Committees shall submit
    their report to the Committee.


  1. The immovable properties and investments of the Club shall be vested in a trust
    Company registered in Singapore duly appointed by the members at the Annual
    General Meeting.
  2. The Trust Company of the Club shall deal with the properties and investments of
    the Club as the Committee shall from time to time direct after consultation with
    the General body.
  3. The Committee may pay to the Trust Company such remuneration as may be
    deemed necessary.

Annual General Meeting

  1. The Annual General Meeting to be held annually on the last Saturday of January
    at such time and place as the Committee shall determine for the purpose:-
    (a) to pass the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and the Statement of
    Accounts for the preceding financial year.
    (b) to elect the Committee for a term of two years and to elect the Auditor for
    the ensuing year.
    (c) to transact any business of which due notice shall have been given.

Extraordinary General Meeting

  1. The Committee may at any time for any special purpose call a Special or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting and shall be bound to do so on receiving a requisition in writing signed by not less than one-tenth (1/10th) of the members or twenty (20) members whichever is the less, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.
  2. Fourteen days before the Annual General Meeting and seven days before any
    special or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting notice of such meeting and of the
    business to be transacted thereat shall be sent to each member together with a
    copy of the Annual Report and audited accounts of the Club in the case of
    Annual General Meeting.
  3. At all General Meetings of the Club, the President and in her absence one of the
    Vice-Presidents, shall take the Chair. If, however, all three of them be absent, the
    Meeting shall elect a Chairperson. The Chairperson shall have a casting vote


  1. The Quorum at any General Meeting shall be one-fifth (l/5th) of the total
    membership. In the event of there being no quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned and held with the same Agenda on a date fixed by the members present. Should the number present at the adjourned meeting be insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum, but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to any of the existing rules and regulations.


  1. Every Ordinary or Life member present shall be entitled to one vote on every
    resolution and in case of equality of votes, the Chairperson shall have a casting


  1. No resolution shall be moved at any Annual, Special or Extra-Ordinary General
    Meeting, unless written notice thereof shall have been sent to the Honorary General Secretary not less than seven (7) days in the case of Ordinary, and two (2) days in the case of Special or Extra-Ordinary General Meetings.


  1. The accounts shall as soon as practical after the end of the financial year
    (September) be audited by a firm of auditors who shall be appointed at the
    Annual General Meeting.


  1. A member may at any time, by giving written notice to the Honorary General
    Secretary, resign her membership of the Club but shall continue to be liable for any subscription or debt due and unpaid at the date of her resignation.


  1. If the conduct of any member be such in the opinion of the Committee as to
    endanger the reputation of the good order of the Club or if any member shall
    appear to the Committee to have wilfully acted contrary to the rules and
    constitution of the Club, the Committee, on their own resolution carried by two-third (2/3) majority at a meeting at which at least half of the members of the
    Committee are present may expel such member provided always that previous
    special notice shall have been given to such member that such conduct would be
    brought before a meeting so that she may have the option of explaining her
    conduct or withdrawing from the Club. A person so expelled shall not thereafter
    be eligible to be a member of the Club.
  1. Every member of the Club shall communicate to the Honorary General Secretary
    any change of address and all notices posted to that address shall be deemed to
    have been duly delivered on the day following the date of posting.


  1. The general body may elect any person to be the Patroness of the Club.


  1. If at a General Meeting a resolution for amalgamation with or absorption into any
    other club be moved, and such resolution be first passed by a simple majority of
    members present and ratified by a resolution with two-third (2/3) majority at a
    meeting held not earlier than one (1) month thereafter where at least fifty (50)
    percent of the members are present, the Committee shall arrange to effect the
    amalgamation or absorption in terms of the said resolution.


  1. If at any General Meeting, a resolution for dissolution be passed by a majority of
    members present and such resolution be confirmed by a majority of two-thirds
    (2/3) of the members voting thereon, at a Special General Meeting held not less
    than two (2) months thereafter at which not less than one-half (1/2) of the
    members shall be present, the Committee shall thereupon arrange to hand over
    the net assets of the Club, after discharging all liabilities to any other institution
    having similar objects or to a charitable institution decided by the general body at
    such meeting.

Interpretation of Rules

  1. The Committee shall be the sole authority for the interpretation of these rules and
    of the bye-laws and regulations made thereunder and their decision on any
    question of interpretation shall be final.

Amendment of Rules

  1. These rules may be added to, appealed or amended by resolution at any
    Ordinary, Special or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting, provided that no such
    resolution shall be deemed to be passed, unless it be carried by a majority of
    two-thirds (2/3) of the members voting thereon.


  1. Gambling of any kind such as the playing of pahkow or mahjong, whether for
    stakes or not, are forbidden on the society’s premises. The introduction of
    materials for gambling or opium smoking and of bad characters into the premises
    is prohibited.
  2. (a) The funds of the society shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in Court.
    (b) The Society shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the society or not, in the name of the society or its office-bearers,
    Committee or members. The society shall not indulge in any political activity or
    allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purpose.
    (c) The Society shall not attempt to restrict or in any other manner interfere with
    trade or prices or engage in any Trade Union activity as defined in the Trade
    Union Ordinance.


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